It's amazing what we can learn from children. So, to discuss civility I would like to highlight a few of my children (changed names haha) and analyze what we can learn from them about civility.
Haha if only my kids dressed like this.
Rebecca. Though she is only 9, Rebecca has an amazing sense for what is right and wrong. More than just recognizing this, she stands up for what she believes in and is not afraid to speak up when one of her friends is out of line.
Jonah. Jonah has the best manners of any child I have ever met. Despite coming from a difficult home life, his respect for adults and authority is incredible. Simple manners go a long way.
James. James is showing respect and civility as he is always following directions. He serves as an incredible example for his peers by doing this, too. Doing what is asked of us is a simple way to show civility.
Madison. Just a 3rd grader, Maddy already recognizes that she has the power to make a difference. She is heavily involved in Girl Scouts and community projects.
I could give countless examples of my 3rd graders who are civil citizens of our classroom and community. My hope is that you may take a few lessons from these children and reflect about how to take their words and actions of civility and incorporate them into your own life.