Monday, November 7, 2011

"Won't You Be My Neighbor?"

It's a beautiful day in the J-Borhood!  As you know, we're living the good life in J.  Convenient parking.  Great location.  Convenience to meetings in the community center.  Computer lab steps away.  I could go on and on.  This month, I would like to encourage you to appreciate another aspect of living in J-your roommates and your neighbors.  

Please also enjoy the Mr. Rogers' intro song clip for inspiration to be awesome neighbors.  I may or may not have taken my shoes off like him for part of my childhood.

Some of you may not know who lives beside/above/below you, and so I would encourage you to be assertive neighbors and introduce's never too late!  And if I haven't met you personally yet, I hope to soon!  Developing meaningful relationships can be as easy as saying good morning as you head out to class in the morning, or dropping off a few extra cookies you have from the batch you just made (cough, remember I'm J-104 cough).  

Are you a good neighbor?  Being conscious of those around you is the easiest way to be a good neighbor!  Your CHALLENGE: be a Mr. Feeney and not a Kramer/Steve Urkel (I couldn't decide who was the better of the worst)!

    Do you...
       Greet one another?
       Keep your music low?
       Avoid leaving trash outside your front door?
       Walk gently?
       Avoid slamming your front door?
       Engage in conversation?
       Know each other's names?

In addition to your neighbors, strive to be the best roommate you can be!  You may not be rockin' in the cramped Blackwell dorms any more, but it's just as important now as it was freshman year to be a great roommate.  Don't hesitate to have open communication, and develop relationships.  There is no other place like college for such a strong sense of community, and I would encourage you to really take advantage of that whether you are best friends with your roommates, or still getting to know each other.

Thank you for being such amazing residents.  With that, I want to remind you all to contact me at any time if there is anything that I can help you with-noise complaints, random housing questions, or even if you just need a listening ear!

**Be on the lookout in the near future for a drop-in I'll be hosting with free food where you can meet more of your J-neighbors!**